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NCE Guide for Earthwork Contractors

After all the construction plans submission and obtaining its approval, you are ready to roll in the construction site~

But wait!

1. Have you obtained the underground cable or pipe detection plan?

Ok.. checked, you've got a licensed cable detection worker to do their due diligence of a site survey with pegging works, and you obtained the endorsed detection plan showing indicative routes of the cable and pipes within the site vicinity.

So... What's next?

2. Verify the existing underground cable or pipe in the vicinity!

What is NCE?

NCE stands for Notice of Commencement of Earthworks. Some may know it as Notification of Commencement of Earthworks, which can be used interchangeably.

NCE is mandatory to be submitted to the relevant services providers (there may be more than just one) before you can start any earthworks or excavation.

NCE serves as a notice to the services providers that works within a specified site boundary would be carried out. Upon receiving the NCE application, services providers would issue an approval or requirements BEFORE the commencement of any Actual Earthworks (which, in this case, would be your construction works).

One common way to verify the existing underground cable or pipe in the vicinity would be through physical verification (a.k.a. Trial Hole/Trench/Pit), where careful digging is used to explore the existing underground cable, pipe and surveyed. This step is analogous or similar to Archaeology.

Another way which we would not go into details here would be:

Non-Destructive verification such as Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) survey that images the underground to indicate location of the underground cable or pipe.

Services Providers such as SP PowerGrid, SP PowerGas, Singapore Telecommunication (SingTel), StarHub, Netlink Trust, M1, has underground assets such as cables, pipes, manholes in all parts of Singapore.

It is important to note that during Trial Hole/Trench/Pit or any Earthwork Excavation Works, it is mandatory that excavator drivers are Registered Earthworks Operators (REO) and supervised by Registered Earthworks Supervisors (RES) as required by SPPG, and Energy Market Authority (EMA).

A few important NCE details that Earthwork Contractors must prepare include:

1. Project stakeholders, title details

2. RES details

3. REO details

4. On site in-charge details

5. Works boundary

6. Proposed works plans

7. Trial trench plans and photos

8. Method to prevent damage to existing underground cable or pipe

Timely input of the above is key to prevent delays to your earthworks!

For interested parties regarding RES, do check out this link.

The NCE application process have evolved throughout the years, but we are always up to the date with the latest process and have aid our clients like you to obtain all necessary NCE approvals successfully prior to Earthworks.

3. Last but the least, only after submitting relevant NCE application, and obtaining the services providers' approval / letter of requirements (or diversion as necessary), then you may start your Actual Earthworks.

Precaution and prevention to cable/pipe damage should be enforced throughout the duration of earthworks, it does not end at NCE. If you are unclear about any parts of the underground cable/pipe, do call up and ask the LCDW.

We hope you feel as proud as we do, when people acknowledge that Singapore has one of the most reliable electricity, gas, telecommunication, water and sewer system in the world :)

Let us do our part to appreciate its reliability, accessibility. Practice safe work practices to prevent cable/pipe damage, as well as a safer work environment for your site team.
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